Jane's Mindfulness Journal


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Confusion and Comprehension...New Insights from India

Some extremely powerful things have been happening to me this trip, and I'd like, once again, to share them with you. If you are interested in this latest story, please follow this link:

New Insights

Namaste to all

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cnntinued Answers from the Universe-My Need to Serve and Those Needing my Service

I have posted a couple of things you may find interesting on my India Journal and the links follow. They say God works in Mysterious Ways but there is nothing mysterious about what is happening to me here...receiving channelings for other people, instructions for healings, and now the following two stories about Reiki, are all direct results of my intensive prayers and meditations over the past months that all those in need of my special services be guided to me. And they are!! They just come...and I serve...in the best way I can, for each of their individual, unique, Higher Goods, according to the guidance and direction I am given in each case, without fail. The messages and signs have been coming in many different and unusual ways, but when we listen, they are always there. From the moment we ask with pure intention for something, things begin to happen. We just need be aware of them.

So enjoy the following 2 links with my love.

Setting things in Motion

Reiki Classes

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


I will continue this post in the same vein as the previous 2, the Message from the Trees and the First Lesson from India and Poem, as it is a continuation of these two previous signs sent to me and is a final validation for what I now know to be my new direction...

Friday Afternoon, March 9th, 5 PM

After the profound events of the past couple of days, and my reviewing them while posting earlier in the day...after not sleeping most of the previous night, I am exhausted.

Sitting on my terrace, listening to classical music and the constant chanting fromt he Temples, I decided it was time for a new Tarot reading relection this new move forward in my understanding and the "path" I am now moving along. I opened the cards and found myself moved to tears as each came up. For those familiar with the Osho cards, I'm sure just the titles will move you as well, but I will give a little background further on for those unfamiliar with the cards.

The order they were picked represents their placement and each card has a different meaning within the reading, but that is not as important as the cards themselves right now...so if you don't understand about the placement, it will not make the cards themselves any less amazing as they fell into place...here they are in order:


I tried to photograph them with my camera but had no luck...wish you could look at them while reading this post...

I was simply brought to tears of joy as they appeared one after the other, without even delving further into their meanings...I will give you a little idea of what each card speaks of, but the words which keep repeating themselves in these cards are the exact words in my poem and lesson: Trust, knowledge, knwoing, truth, obstacles...Read below for a little more about the cards.

Just as I was choosing these cards, another sign was sent to me....The sky had been overcast and hazy all day today. Not nasty, just hiding the clear blue of the sky - the clarity of the heavens. Just as I opened these cards, the heavens cleared. The haze cleared and formed into puffy white clouds which drifted apart to reveal the clarity of the sky. The puffs of clouds are almost pink on the pale blue of the sky at sunset. Clearer and bluer than it has been since monring. a further final validation of all that has been "clarified" for me in many differnt ways. The Truth being revelaed through the haze.

To the Cards:
THE FOOL is the very first card in the deck. "...with every steop, the Fool leaves the past behind...he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. ...the fool has the support of the Univers to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life. This card indicates that if you trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the "rightness" of things, you cannot go wrong. Your actions may appear foolish to others,...if trying to analyze them with the rational mind. But the "zero"(the number of this card) place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides, not skepticism and past experience."

"...all you need to do is relax right where you are, and be willing for it to happen. ... It is simply the right time."


"...move inside. There, you can relax into your own deepest Truth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known."


"The Queen of Water brings a time of unboundedness and gratitidue for whatever life brings, without any expectations or demands. Neither duty or thought of merit or reward are important. Sensitivity, intuition and compassion are the qualities that shine forth now, dissolving all the obstacles that keep us separate from each other and from the whole."


Just interesting to note here that the first card I picked is the FIRST card of the Tarot deck, and the last card I picked is the LAST card of the TAROT deck...giving even further meaning to this reading...perfect beginning and end.

"...has come to a time of centeredness and expansivenss....all of life's experiences have brought him to this time of perfection...this moment carries a gift-for hard work well donw. Your base is solid now and success and good fortune are yours for they are the outcome of what has already been experienced within".

And that's it for now....I am still living in a glow, surrounded completely by the love of God and the Universe, my Guides and the Angels who are always with me.

I am truly blessed.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

FIRST LESSON FROM INDIA 2007 / POEM March 8-9 2007

Rishikesh, India


Well, for those of you who have been following my travels over the past 6 years, you know that every trip holds certain lessons for me, and each trip is different in character and unique in the ways these lessons are shown to me.

This trip is no different of course, and, in spite of all the busyness of the past week (or perhaps because of it), I remained awake almost the whole night last night (and that is part of another story which will eventually follow on the India Journal), and while awake, some wonderful things and insights presented themselves to me. I will share them with you, but since they are more concerned with things other than travels, I am posting them on the Mindfulness Journal ...I will try to keep this as chronological, consecutive and straightforward as possible, but please forgive me if things do not come completely together...

Let's go back a little while, even before I left for India. In my prayer/meditation sessions each day I have been asking that all those who are in need of my special services, be guided to me by the Universe, wherever they may be.

So far several people have found their way to me right here in Rishikesh, in very strange ways...I will not go into details of all these stories, but a couple are particularly outstanding, including the one already posted, and one to be posted shortly.

But while all this is going, the God and his Universe are still working to move me along the path further with each new day. Note the previous Post about the message from the tree embracing the rock...and this brings us to yesterday and last night...so here we go:

After several discussions with "the girls" here, I have been considering a change in plans. I will, first of all be staying longer in Rishikesh than I had originally planned, and am now thinking of coming back in October!! And then yesterday, while waiting in my room for "the girls" to come back from a wedding they were attending, I received a message from one of my daughters that she decided to become a Mother. No further details, and this has also become part of a new equation. coming back in October involves many new concepts and ways of looking at my life. How will this all sit with my family? With my work? I have often strayed from what I know is the right path for me, either because of laziness, fear, or critism. Will I be strong and rooted in what I know is my destiney, like the tree embracing the rock?

Is there any way I could work here? AND THEN THE FIRST THING DAWNED ON ME:

The reason I found my way to Vivek, is because THERE I will find the solution to earning some money here in India. I will speak to him about working with him, or having him send people to me. And how is it that I have not thought of this until this minute?

And then again, trying to fall asleep with the idea that I will go down and see him the following morning....I tossed and turned and at 12:30 AM the following poem was lovingly "given to me"

The Sudden Need to Know-

But knowing is not what it seems to be
Is knowing knowledge?
or is it understanding of TRUTH!
To know what your personal truth IS, is the most profound
form of understanding.
And when what you know to be TRUE is what guides you
along your path,
Then you may stumble at times, you may even feel a momentary fear
when faced with some new obstacle,
But you will never stray

Because you KNOW!!


My TRUTH is service to others! I have know this for a very long time, but it was shot with an arrow which hit the target bull's eye this time!!

And, just as all this came together, I read the following in Paulo Coelho's book which I am now reading:
...Death is possibly THE most important thing. We are all walking towards death, but we never know when death will touch us and it is our duty, therefore, to look around us, to be grateful for each minute. But we should also be grateful to death, because it makes us think about the importance of each decision we take, or fail to take: it makes us stop doing anything that keeps us stuck in the category of the "living dead" and, instead, urges us to risk everything, to bet everything on those things we always dreamed of doing, because, whether we like it or not, the angel of death is waiting for us.

So, this is the poem, and the lesson, and I will now work and making things move along, always following the guidance I am so lovingly given each and every moment of each and every day (and night)!


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Thursday, March 08, 2007

MESSAGES FROM THE TREES- March 3rd, 2007, Rishikesh India

I spotted this tree on one of my walks in Rishikesh in March 2007, as well as the tree later in this post. They were directly across the mountain path from each other.

I knew they were a message for me in response to my recent requests for guidance and direction, clarity and understanding. I've already learnt from past experience that replies from the Universe come in many forms, so am always alert to answers that are sent my way.

Two days after seeing this tree, and contemplating its message, I received the following insight:

Every obstacle that comes our way is sent to us lovingly and with purpose by the Universe. Do not seek an alternative path in order to avoid the obstacle, but stand firm in what you know to be your chosen path, even when the going seems almost impossible. Embrace the obstacle lovingly, learn the lesson and continue to grow and thrive.

This is the second tree on the other side of the road and if you look carefully you will see it is two completely separate individual trees which have grown together as one at the top, but still maintaining their own identity where they are rooted in the ground. I think this says it all quite clearly regarding the success of a loving and intimate relationship.


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