Jane's Mindfulness Journal


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Poetry

Before I post the poems, just a quick explanation. I've been writing all my life, as long as I remember myself-even won honorary mention in a short story competition once when i was in Junior High School for a sci-fiction story I wrote as an English Class assignment. Think it was with Mrs. Bacher in 9th grade...However, I don't remember writing poetry at all. The poems started coming to me the first time I was in India, but they come in a very strange way. Already completely written. I am "told" to get out paper and pen and they are kind of "dictated" to me. Very strange. But when I read them back the first time, it is really like reading something that someone else has written. They all came about at very specific points and relate to whatever was happening in my life at the time. I am sorry I never dated them, but will try to do so if there are more in the future. For now, these are what I have, and I myself enjoy rereading them often. They have great personal meaning for me but I think at least a few of them are quite Universal and that anyone can get some meaning from them. You are welcome to comment (or not) on any specific one which seems to have special meaning to you. I'd like to know that these poems weren't given to me for my own personal use only but that they are meant to touch something in others as well. I give them to you with my love and will add to them as they come to me.

New Poem from India Journey 2007- March 9th as well as insights at same time:

The Sudden Need to Know-

But knowing is not what it seems to be

Is knowing knowledge?

or is it understanding of TRUTH!

To know what your personal truth IS, is the most profound
form of understanding.

And when what you know to be TRUE is what guides you
along your path,

Then you may stumble at times, you may even feel a momentary fear
when faced with some new obstacle,

But you will never stray

Because you KNOW!!


My TRUTH is service to others! I have know this for a very long time, but it was shot with an arrow which hit the target bull's eye this time!!

And, just as all this came together, I read the following in Paulo Coelho's book which I am now reading:

...Death is possibly THE most important thing. We are all walking towards death, but we never know when death will touch us and it is our duty, therefore, to look around us, to be grateful for each minute. But we should also be grateful to death, because it makes us think about the importance of each decision we take, or fail to take: it makes us stop doing anything that keeps us stuck in the category of the "living dead" and, instead, urges us to risk everything, to bet everything on those things we always dreamed of doing, because, whether we like it or not, the angel of death is waiting for us.

So, this is the poem, and the lesson, and I will now work and making things move along, always following the guidance I am so lovingly given each and every moment of each and every day (and night)!

Why are others always an intrusion?
I don't seek them yet they find me...
Must I become invisible to be ALONE?
Or is this part of who, what I am
Flowing along and blending into the river of common pain
Floating as a log for those drowning to latch on to.
Where is the log meant to keep me afloat?
Or have I been given the strength to stay afloat ALONE?
Do I draw my strengths from my ALONENESS?
Or from the giving OF myself?
Who will be there to keep me from drowning
When there is no more strength to draw on?
I am surrounded by heavenly love and protection...
Spiritually I am never ALONE...
I am physical as well
As is my life...
All the new that awaits me...
All the changes to be made...
All the wonders still to reveal themselves...
Are not meant to be experienced ALONE
My soul, my heart, my body all yearn
For the one with the same yearnings
To continue the journey together in our ALONENESS...

Can there be such a miracle?

Not a place.
A feeling!
You find it once and then have it with you always
It is mobile and goes with you everywhere
No one can take it from you
As it is nothing you can touch or hold physically
What is inside is yours alone
And you make it what it is
When you have truly found the feeling - Cherish it!
It is a precious gift you have worked hard for.

My Love is whole
My Love is true

My Love runs deep
Deeper than ever before
But where will it flow to If it has no banks to direct it's course?
YOU must be the banks.
Strong, dependable, guiding the course of my Love... and our lives
I can now only be the river of love which flows within your banks
My energies can no longer determine the course
Envelope me in your banks of loving strength and direction
YOU must be the master of our love
If the banks collapse, the river of my Love will disperse
and may never find a true course again.

I've been lost for years
Without knowing what I would find
Was I even aware that I was seeking?
I think so…
But seeking what - I did not know

Still lost
But no longer seeking
The search is over
But I am still lost

Lost in love!

I learned to be patient
I trusted your judgment
I believed in your wisdom
I joined in your dream
I embraced your love
I overcame my fears
I desisted from worry
I relied on your strength
I shared your desires
I felt your despair and your sense of betrayal by your lack of control over the Universe
And was stunned by your surprise in crude awakening.

Growing from within
Joining without
Becoming one with
And part of the Whole
Expanding into the oneness of the Whole
Bringing forth from the depths its love and protection to surround and enfold me
To make me one with Divine Spirit, Almighty
Our joining in partnership-
the supreme miracle of the Universal forces of Love and Light!

Release anger,
Release fear,
Release Worry
Embrace love
Embrace faith
Embrace calm acceptance.
The river will take you swiftly along at certain points

And allow you periods of motionless calm
But the current will always be there to move your boat along
You may see places you would like to stop at
But the choice is not always yours
Release into the flow of the river
And calmly and joyfully accept whatever direction it takes you.

July 29th 2005
No more thinking to be done
It is all in place
And the river is flowing
The trees are rooted
The mountains majestically peaked
So it is with you…
Be Alive…
Be Whole.
Mind and soul are one, flowing together-
moved along by the same current of light, of love, of joy, of delight, of peace
The choice is made
The vehicle ready.
You just need to give your agreement and all will begin
Say YES! Smile and get on-board!

October 18th 2005 (Sukkot-Arcaffe)
New Year…
New Feelings…Some heavy, some light.
Take a deep breath.
Feel them all.
Feeling all is part of the lesson.
A wallop of an ending to Last Year!
A hint of things to come THIS Year?
New Energies.
New Direction
New People…New Love
New Awareness
New Car? New Clothes? HA!! YES!!

November 11th 2005
Where have I been?
Where am I going?
In place-the right place for now.
Too much thought
Just believe-trust-have faith
Nothing else is needed.
Relaxed, calm, peaceful place if you let it be so.
Remember the silence.
Move toward it-move into it.
It is your sanctuary, your safe place.
Let it embrace you.
Hear it, feel it, become one with it.

July 24, 2006
A wellspring trying to break loose,
And release its burden of unshed tears.
A lifetime worth of sorrow and pain...
Loneliness and Aloneness...
Of being known and understood by no one but You.
I've chosen my own way-no complaints.
But at times the burden is unbelievably heavy.

Can I get a porter for a few days????

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