Jane's Mindfulness Journal


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do Not Worry Part III - Parable of the Missing Bridge from Kryon

Let Go and Let God

Following the previous posts which hopefully gave you further insights into the Reiki Principle “Just For Today-I Will Not Worry”…I am including the following from a Kryon Channeling. If you choose to read it, you will be taken further along into the idea of Trust in the Universe…the ideas presented are not unique in any way, but the parable of the Missing Bridge is one of my favorite examples for understanding the concept of “Letting Go and Letting God”. If you want to delve further into the channelings of Kryon and get further information, you can check out the Kryon Also note that the word “Spirit” is used frequently in these channelings, but God, Universe, Higher Source etc., could all be used just as easily…do not let semantics confuse you.

The first (thing to understand about trusting the Universe) is this: As you see and acknowledge the fact that the solution already exists even though you cannot see it, visualize the solution…. Now, this is important. Don't visualize what you THINK you need to create the solution. Let that be your partner's job (Spirit). Let US do that. If a human is going to run a race in the morning and wants to be one of the few who finishes, but doesn't know how he is going to get through that exhausting hill or around that tight turn, he might pray to God about the tight turn and the exhausting hill. We're here to say instead, he should be visualizing only passing easily over the finish line. Let US figure out about the exhausting hill and the tight turn. That's our job.

Let us review for a moment the parable that was given to you regarding Henry and the Missing Bridge. Some of you will remember that this was a story about Henry who was speeding toward a bridge that he knew was out. Everything that Spirit said to him was, "Continue on, Henry. Things are not always as they seem, Henry. You will be taken care of, Henry." The missing bridge was a metaphor for what human beings cannot fathom or see in the future that God has already taken care of. ….. For the solution to Henry's problem of the missing bridge had already been taken care of. You can read that parable again, (Kryon Book 7- “Letters from Home”, pp. 226-229)

As Henry approached the area where the bridge was supposed to be, he opened his eyes and realized that it was still gone. His fear increased... it was the last moment! It took everything he had in him not to stop right there, yet Spirit said, "Henry, continue on, continue on." So Henry in all his faith, continued on even faster than before, trusting God, and the partnership within. Just as he thought he was about to have his vehicle careen over the cliffs to a certain death in the valley below, he saw workmen on the road guiding him around to an area he had never seen before - an area completely out of sight that he had never, ever observed - hidden. And standing in full glory there was a beautiful new bridge! It was a bridge that was so big and so awesome that Henry realized that it had been under construction long before his need. He crossed it in ecstatic joy, realizing the power of his partnership with God.

Dear ones, this is the key to the parable. There are solutions … to problems you don't even have yet! By the time you get around to asking Spirit for the solutions, they've already been built, you see.... already been built. It's part of the balance. There HAVE TO BE solutions for the tests that you've agreed to... and there are.

Henry didn't visualize how his bridge dilemma was going to be solved. The thought of a miracle bridge popping before him was silly. The thought was beyond his human reality. So instead, he simply visualized moving to the other side... the end result. The runner visualizes breaking the tape. Regarding your problem? Visualize it all taken care of and then leave the details to us... but YOU do the energy visualization... often!

The second attribute, therefore, is that "things are not always as they seem." The answers may come in very shocking and unusual ways. Sometimes the miraculous energy will astound you. Sometimes the answers seem complex. In retrospect you might say, "long ago if person A hadn't done this, and person B hadn't done that... then my solution would never have been possible." There is something in you that realizes that person A made his move BEFORE you ever needed it. How complex this was, you might say. How elegant and perfect! Not only that, but within your solution, no matter how complex the interaction is with others, somehow everyone seems to win! Dear ones. That's the mark of a SPIRITUAL solution. Visualize, therefore, the solution as having been taken care of.

The third attribute is Don't LIMIT GOD. You don't know what we do. There are so many of you who are standing here asking for a bush when Spirit stands with …a whole forest (for you)! You don't expect it since you don't feel the self-worth of it. The solution to your little problem may contain the whole forest as a gift for you! Things that you don't even know about yet will be solved within the solution of the one problem you have on your lap... perfect within the simplicity of the physics and love of Spirit, and the complexities of your humanism.

So let US do the work. That's the overview of your partner (Spirit), the one you're holding hands with. That's the golden one in the golden chair - the one who knows everything about your potentials - about your contract - called the golden angel, or higher self. It has the energy of Spirit, yet it also has your name. Don't limit Spirit.

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